NEWS RELEASE: 600 Truckloads of Snow Removed From Peninsula

In preparation for the upcoming storm and to ensure first responders can respond to emergencies, the City of Saint John is declaring parking bans for the entire City tonight. That is, there will be parking bans for the South Central Peninsula and North, East and West Areas of the City tonight.
Over 600 truckloads of snow were removed from the South Central Peninsula last night, however,  officials advise there are still streets throughout the City that are barely passable. The parking bans are necessary to ensure snow removal equipment and emergency services are able to maintain access throughout the City. Streets that are free of vehicles make snow clearing much easier for crews and will allow ambulances, fire trucks and police vehicles to navigate streets throughout the storm. 
If you have extra parking spaces, please offer them to your neighbours. The Peel Plaza Parking Garage is offering free parking on a first come first served basis. Vehicles must be removed by 7 a.m. tomorrow morning or you will be ticketed. The City will allow residents of the lower west side to park at the lot by the ball field on Market Place, those in the Mount Pleasant North area can use the Rockwood Park parking lot and those in the Old North End can use the Shamrock Park parking lot. These lots will not be cleared.
Once the ban is lifted in the South Central Peninsula, please park as indicated on the street signage.

Residents of the South Central Peninsula are reminded to use the seven designated Saint John Parking Commission lots only during declared snow bans. Please check for signage, non-designated lots are subject to the rules and regulations of those lots. 
We understand that this will be an inconvenience, however, the safety of our residents is our number one priority.

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