Improve your sleeping as a senior

How to improve your sleep as a senior

Sleeping well is crucial for the consolidation of our memories.  So, if you're having memory problems, it's possible that you're not receiving enough restful sleep.  Of course, it's true that many elderly individuals have trouble falling asleep or remaining asleep long enough to obtain a full night's rest (which is usually considered about seven to nine solid hours). 

But that does not imply that these sleep issues are typical.  You might need to emphasize getting a good night's sleep and alter some of your routines to prevent sleep-related memory loss.

Try some of the following:

  • Make your bedroom cosier by making it darker, quieter, cooler, and less cluttered.
  • At least one hour before bedtime, turn down the lights.
  • Maintain a regular sleeping routine. (Get up and go to bed each day at the same hours.)
  • To go to bed at the right hour for you, adjust your schedule.
  • Caffeine usage should be decreased or stopped, especially after noon.
  • Alcohol shouldn't be consumed in the few hours before bed.
  • One hour or more before sleep, turn off the TV, computer, and any other equipment with backlit screens.
  • If your partner snores loudly, put on earplugs or sleep in a different room.

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