Canada's First Boys & Girls Club Still Offering Unique Programs

The Boys and Girls Club of Saint John, Inc is the first Boys and Girls Club in Canada dating back to 1900.

A dream which began in the minds of Saint John Rotarian's in 1954, became a reality in April 1955 when the doors of the new Boys and Girls Club of Saint John were opened.


The Rotary Club first became involved in youth work when the old youth center was opened in the year 1922 and they have become very active in youth work ever since.


Such men as B.R. Guss, QC, D.M. Wathen, Eli Boyaner, Joe Lieberman, and E.A. Bradley were some of the enthusiastic workers of the Rotary Building Commitee who helped to get the Boys and Girls Club built.


The members of the Rotary Anns (wives of the Rotarians) played a very active part in the programming when the Club was first opened. They assisted in supplying needs for the kindergarten program for many years.


A Mortgage Burning ceremony was held in 1958, just four years after the building was erected.


Tragedy struck on October 24, 1974, when vandals caused a fire which destroyed a major portion of the Club. But, again, the Saint John Rotary Club rose to the challenge and the present facility was rebuilt in 1975-76.


The building was officially reopened June 6, 1976 and has been affecting thousands of youngsters through the Club's motto of "A good place to be".


The Board of Directors oversee the Club's direction which is progressively striving to meet the needs of the youth of Saint John.

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